Month: August 2003
And Yet Adding Something New Is Endlessly Tempting
I can’t update regularly. I can, however, post the occasional word-count/note on how it’s going. I’ve decided to do that, but to still leave comments off for the time being because I can’t babysit the weblog, and as some of you know, we’ve had the occasional troublemaker. I’d rather pass on that. Look for me…
This Site Is Now on Hold
I’m putting the site on hold for at least a few months, due to serious overwork and a desperate need to catch up on deadlines without any distractions. I’ll be removing the contact link, will not be answering e-mail other than from personal friends and family, my agent, and editors, and will not be doing…
Gender Activists — American Morons Without a Clue
Resocialization article Little boys don’t need to be resocialized into little girls, “gender sensitivity training” is bullshit, and the fact that the government foots the bill for a lot of this nonsense is simply criminal. I am so sick of this crap. Download as PDFPrint Page
More On the Midnight Rain Sale
Okay, I know a little more now. The manuscript for Midnight Rain will be due April 15, 2004. Probably will be on the schedule in 2005, but I don’t know exactly when yet and won’t for a while. Contracts are on the way, which is very, very fast. So. My writing schedule looks like this.…
It sold, it sold, it sold, it sold, IT SOLD, oh my God, it SOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD! Very nice money, two book deal, GREAT publisher. [bouncing OFF the walls …..] Download as PDFPrint Page
When In Doubt, Drop Back and Punt
I’m making real progress again on Talyn. Got a 1500 word net gain yesterday in spite of removing a solid chunk of text. I did it by going back to exactly the point where things went badly wrong, and writing the scene I should have written the first time. Sometimes I can pretend I got…
Going to Lose About a Hundred Pages
I’ve assessed the manuscript, and this isn’t good. I’m going to have to yank about a hundred pages, and what this is going to do to my page count and word count I don’t even want to think about. If I fall off the face of the planet entirely for a while, please forgive me.…
Beating Head on Wall … Hard Head; Hard Wall
I don’t know which one is going to cave first. But I can figure out what went wrong with the book. I can figure out exactly where it went wrong. I even know what the book needs to start working again. But I can’t figure out how to fix it. I am still languishing in…
Something On Paper
Remember — the First Big Rule of Writing is You have to write something on paper. SOMETHING. Not something great. Not something good. It can, in fact, be something utterly suckiferous. But you must write something. Between the big community blow-up, putting the community on its own site, being without air conditioning for a week…