Month: July 2003
Connection Problems Worsen
I am experiencing page-loads on the site of up to five minutes per page, and a current average of about four minutes per page. Because of this, until I track down the problem with my connection, I am going to be very, very scarce in the community. If you need to get in touch with…
An Astonishing First
This is my twenty-fifth-ish book (it’s right around there, but I don’t feel like looking at the bibliography to count). It’s the first 250,000 word novel I’ve written. (You might argue, validly, that The Secret Texts is a single novel in three covers, but it was not written that way. It was written as three…
A Voice Worth Hearing
(With thanks to baka_kit for this link) — Take the time to visit, which you could look at as either Libertarian Feminism or Conservative Feminism if you’re looking for a label, but which supports what I prefer to think of as real feminism. I read down their list of positions on issues, muttering, “Yes,…
The Attack of the Anonymous Moron
Some e-mail is good, some is bad, some is breathtakingly stupid. Here, for your amusement and edification, one of the latter…….. Download as PDFPrint Page
Taking Back Feminism
I identified myself very firmly as a feminist once upon a time. I was in sixth grade, the time was the early 1970’s, and I could see what feminism was accomplishing for women, and I could see myself fighting that fight. That was, of course, before NOW, the National Organization of Wackos, lost all sight…
Once More Into the Breach
First I’ll note that I got my words today. 2067, to be exact. Like what I got, kicked ass on the scene, nailed the tone and the action, and killed somebody really likeable, and if you can do that in a chapter, you’re doing all right. Fine. Good. That was this morning. Yesterday I heard…
The Things That Break
Do you remember the Twilight Mom Yodel? I do. It was when the neighborhood moms realized they could see fireflies outside the windows, and their heads popped out the back doors all up and down the street, and in voices that echoed into the hills and back, they shouted in more or less unison, “Baaaaaarbara!”…
1700 Hard-Won Words
Time was the enemy today. I had to get up at five AM and be done with my writing by eight AM because of family needs and schedules. And I only got my first thousand words in that length of time. I sat down tonight after my little guy was finally asleep and got another…
92,041. That’s how many words I have as I sit down to write this morning. It’s a lot of words. For most of the 20+ books I’ve written to this point, I’d right now be doing the last loop of rope around the calf’s fetlocks before stepping back and throwing my hand in the air.…
Got the Contact Link for Broegga Worldbuilders Fixed
A lot of Broegga info will be going up later today, but you can get your pass in to start doing mapping if you’re interested. Sorry about the broken link. I’m off to get some writing done now. Download as PDFPrint Page