Month: June 2003
The map thing isn’t going to work out, at least not for now. While Fractal Terrains works fine under XP (our sole operating system on our Windows machine, unfortunately), Campaign Cartographer 2 is toast. I have spent the better part of my free time today trying to get CC2 to not slaughter symbols, break rivers,…
Carlin, OSHA, Class Guilt, Vonnegut, and the Lowest Common Denominator
The job of any good comedian is to kick your head out of your ass. To throw the parts of life that make you uncomfortable in your face in a way that shocks you, makes you laugh, and makes you think. People in general go through life tucked under the warm, dark blanket of their…
Mapping Korre
I’ve needed a good map of Beyltaak for a while now, but the need has gone from ‘yeah, yeah, I’ll get to it’ to ‘dammit, where IS Talyn’s house and how does it relate to Shields and her family and the tunnels and the jail and ….” I have taken a day off. Real day…
Double Vowels and Other Quirks — A Public Service Message
I like double vowels for words in the languages I design, and I was writing this morning about Uudmar and Ravii and Betraa, all Tonks, who speak Tonk, which uses a lot of double vowels, and it occurred to me that some folks are going to look at those names and in their heads they’re…
What Happens If You Answer Your Spam
Everyone has received at least a thousand copies of the “Nigerian” spam letter by now. A couple of guys decided to see what would happen if they answered it. Here’s the full game. It gets scary. Download as PDFPrint Page
Request for technical assistance
I suspect that the comments portion of this weblog may have been used to send spam, and I need to find out if this was what happened, and if it was, what I have to do to prevent it from happening again. … Details including problem headers Download as PDFPrint Page
Confessions of Wildass Dreams
I’d guess that we all have them, and mostly we don’t talk about them, because they’re too big, and too silly, and too impossible. If we confess them, we open ourselves to naysayers and ridicule and reality, and all of those are hard on dreams. But you only hit the target you can see, and…
5 a.m. Words, and Birthdays
Got up at five, had to be done by eight, and I’d only had about four hours of badly interrupted sleep. But I got about a thousand good words, and I’m going to see if I can still get the rest before bed tonight. And we’re celebrating Becky’s twentieth birthday today … officially. She got…
Humiliation, disease, and death … another good day
Yesterday I might as well have been trying to write with my fingers stapled to the desk, but today went much better. Killed one character, have another suffering the tortures of the forsaken, and Talyn has to face her father with bruises and bite marks she desperately doesn’t want to explain. I got my words,…
Mass-Market Paperbacks of Vincalis Arrived
If you’ve been waiting for the less-expensive, fit-the-shelves-better copies of Vincalis the Agitator to buy that one, you’ll be pleased to know that the mass market copies are available. I got my box of them yesterday; I usually get mine late, so they may have been on the shelves for a while without me seeing…