Month: December 2002
The writing went well today
Sheesh! I almost feel like dancing. Had a breakthrough this morning on the scene I’m rewriting (ended up deleting the original scene last night and starting over from scratch) and all of a sudden the thing fell together for me and flew. I haven’t had a lot of flying lately — it felt wonderful, and…
Weblog remains on hiatus
I’ll bring it back to daily status as soon as I finish Gods Old and Dark. Right now, revisions are not in a happy state. I’m still hoping for December 31st as my wrap-up date, but that hope is getting a wee bit slimmer. Download as PDFPrint Page
Great Devouring Christmas
The great holiday morass sucked me in whole. I got back to the revisions for the first time in days today, and it was tough. Really tough. I spent about an hour just getting back into the flow of the story before I even started writing. I still have a ways to go, and a…
On Christmas Eve
We’ve already done the better part of a month of celebrating, but we’re going to do the family stuff today and tomorrow. And as always, getting ready is both fun and time-consuming. Haven’t had a chance to write in the last couple of days. One of these years I’m going to remember to just eliminate…
I am still revising Gods Old and Dark
I discovered a need for more Baanraak, and also for more of the Master of the Night Watch, Aril the keth, and have been adding scenes heavily. I also discovered, to my chagrin, that I managed to be fairly tedious through some of the first draft, and so have been removing scenes like a Civil…