1711 words, and another story revamp

Blasted through the fourth scene today, and in it managed to do everything I’d planned for that scene, plus enough of what I planned for the next one that I think the story will wrap up with scene five.

I currently have 6242 words total. Damn close to my minimum word count.

I know I skimmed a few things, and this second half of the story will require more revision than the first half, I think. But I’ll have it done in time, and off to the editor.

And I like the story. Looking forward to writing the ending. Maybe tomorrow.

I’m enjoying reading how your words are coming. How did your writing go today?

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7 responses to “1711 words, and another story revamp”

  1. Nancy Avatar

    Major migraine starting Sunday. No words today. But tomorrow, migraine or no, I gotta get back in the saddle.

  2. Linda Avatar

    371 words today. Nothing yesterday–that was my day off for recharging. I will be so glad once I begin to see the big picture of the story. I will probably be able to move faster than this.

  3. Jessic@ Avatar

    2142 words for Saturday, and 817 yesterday. I was just so tired yesterday for some reason, and my word count for this book has been ridiculous so far, so I’m OK with the 817. I’m really aiming for 1000 words per day on this project, just to see if I can.

  4. Colleen Avatar

    Today’s blog post went up as scheduled, which is the sum of the actual words-on-paper count so far for today. But I’ve been mapping out a new nonfiction book that I plan to begin writing on next week. Just dumping everything from my brain onto paper for now.

  5. Becky Avatar

    Ooh, neat! I love it when a scene goes really quickly and easily. I haven’t been writing lately because I’ve been on vacation, but I managed to write a grand total of… hm… 20 words today? I’m on a roll!

  6. Larkk Avatar

    Finished going over the gimmicks and I think I have a pretty good idea of how they work. I’m hoping as I write I will solidify these ideas. Then I started taking the notes on Lesson 17 to make sure I don’t royally goof everything up by writing out the opening scene I was just dying to write. I love how everything is so concisely laid out. It gives me great confidence.
    Then 532 (handwritten) words. The opening scene of my book wouldn’t leave me alone, so I just had to write it out in my notebook. The words aren’t quite there, and it will need work, but it’s written now. I was immensely satisfied to read it over.
    Went to bed, but had some more ideas for the scene. Got back up and wrote them down. This hasn’t happened in a long time. 🙂

  7. Hanna Avatar

    Too much is going on around me, so writing has been hard. But, prepping continues. I pulled some of my writing books to my Kindle yesterday, and plan to make sure I can highlight, take notes and print them back. Not sure yet about it, but will try.

    Also, I wrote a lot on Bx2 for a short writing class I took recently. I will pull them together and post the words, probably for the next post.

    I also have this urge to wrote poetry and essays again. I guess essays are now more like blogs, but they are pushing on me kinda hard.

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