1500 words yesterday

Planning on the same or better today. Yesterday Alan came face to face with Phoebe’s nightmares. Today, I think we’ll get to see the reality that anchors them.

In other news, I have the Breakout Novel class put together. Spent all last night and much of this morning going over the applications, and had a brutal time choosing the final six. But it’s done, and I have the first batch of students processed in. The next batch (and if you are an applicant and you’ve sent me your ID information but haven’t received an e-mail from me telling you that you’re cleared, you’re “next batch”) is going to have to wait until I get my pages done.

I’m excited. I love doing Breakout, and watching people topping themselves time and again. I think this is going to be a wonderful class.

But for now, back to work.

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